Student Resources

Interpreting in VR Settings: Faces of Deaf Consumers
An infusion module for Interpreter Education Programs
Student Resources
This page contains introductory information for students.
Student Welcome Link to ASL Welcome: Welcome to the National Interpreter Education Center (NIEC) online module, Faces of Deaf Vocational Rehabilitation Consumers. This resource is designed to expose interpreting education students to VR and to foster interest in working this setting. The module contains information on the needs of consumer exclusively. Though a great deal of interpreting that occurs in VR settings includes Deaf professionals, this module does not address this unique population.A comprehensive overview of the diversity of Deaf VR consumers is not possible in this module. Our intent is to provide a primer on some of the salient characteristics of these consumers. The focus of the module is on the unique communication needs of Deaf individuals particularly those who may have limited language proficiency, the impact of deaf education on the communication of Deaf individuals and briefly addresses the challenge of Deaf individuals who may have a disability or are immigrants from non-ASL using countries. The three main components of the module are an overview of the factors to consider when describing the identity and communication skills of Deaf individuals, an overview of the types of educational settings currently available in the US for Deaf children and the importance of an interpreter’s ability to self-assess his or her language and interpreting skills when contemplating accepting an interpreting assignment. Each of these components includes a short reading and a PowerPoint presentation synthesizing the reading and related activities. The module also includes a pre and post-test to gauge the extent of learning as a result of participating in this module. The purpose of this module is to provide interpreting students with a brief introduction to vocational rehabilitation consumers who are Deaf. This module focus is on increasing an interpreter’s knowledge and understanding of the diversity of VR consumer and some unique considerations when interpreting for these individuals. This module addresses the competencies relating to the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively interpret in VR settings. This module is introductory and will provide a foundation for additional study that will be required to become a competent interpreter in VR settings. By the end of this module, Students will be able to: Copyright © 2013-2016 by the National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers (NCIEC). This NCIEC product was developed by the National Interpreter Education Center (NIEC) at Northeastern University. Permission is granted to copy and disseminate these materials, in whole or in part, for educational, non-commercial purposes, provided that NCIEC is credited as the source and referenced appropriately on any such copies.Purpose:
Module Contents
VR: Faces of Deaf Consumers
An infusion module for Interpreter Education Programs
After reading the article and/or viewing the lecture by Dr. Holcomb, prepare a summary of the identity categories described. In this summary identify some hypothetical interpreting needs that may arise when working with such individuals in a meeting with a VR counselor.
After viewing the Consumer Assessment PPT and reading the Kannapell article, create a table that lists communication styles in the Deaf community. Include topics in the table such as “written materials”, “consecutive interpretation”, “hearing interpreter team” or “Deaf Interpreter Team”. In a hypothetical meeting between a VR counselor who can hear and a Deaf person using this style, consider if each topic would assist or interfere within an interpreted interaction.
What experience, if any, have you had with Deaf people who utilize some of the different communication styles identified in the Consumer Assessment PPT? Choose one communication style you have encountered and discuss strategies you could employ to communicate effectively.
Prepare a one-page written response to this prompt:
Not all VR consumers will fall into the category of Deaf Plus, alingual, semi-lingual or LFD as described above. If, however, you are asked to interpret a meeting between a VR counselor who can hear and a Deaf person who does display some of these characteristics, what strategies can you employ to provide a successful interpreting experience?
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Synthesizing Your Learning
Using the video of the interpreted meeting below, ask students to prepare a comprehensive situational assessment that incorporates all the topics covered in the module. This may be a useful prompt.
Analyzing an Interpreted Assignment
You’ve been asked to interpret a meeting to set a vocational goal between a Deaf consumer and VR counselor who can hear. After viewing the introductions of the consumer and counselor, prepare a written assessment of this interpreting situation. Granted, there is very little information provided about the participants so you may use your imagination and base your assessment on educated guesses and hypothetical dynamics.
Include your thoughts about the potential identity this consumer most likely would embrace.
- Which communication style would you say this person demonstrates?
- What conclusions would you draw about this person’s educational background and the communication approaches used in that setting?
- Hypothetically complete the checklist you prepared for the Situational Assessment activity.
- Determine what the demands and controls are in this situation.
- Identify the resources you need for a successful interpretation.
- Now view the interpreted interaction. Record your reactions to the video in a written reflection.
- Submit your assessment and reflection to your instructor.
Meet the Consumer
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Meet the Counselor
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The Interpreted Meeting
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