After September 30, 2016, the National Interpreter Education Center (NIEC) will no longer support this website as our federal funding has ended. This site will remain open but we will not be able to respond to inquiries.

Curriculum Overview

One of the most challenging and exciting projects undertaken by the National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers has been the development of a specialized curriculum devoted to Deaf Self-Advocacy. This is the first time in the thirty-year history of the federal Training of Interpreters Program that the Rehabilitation Services Administration has designated consumer education a priority.

Entitled Deaf Self-Advocacy Training: Curriculum Toolkit, Second edition, the curriculum consists of seven self-contained modules. It is designed to be taught by Deaf, hard of hearing or DeafBlind advocacy specialists, educators or vocational rehabilitation personnel to Deaf, hard of hearing or DeafBlind individuals. The training is often offered in a six-hour block of time, but can also be taught in shorter timeframes over a longer period of time. For example, secondary and post-secondary programs often teach the curriculum as a course, with each module taught on a per class basis.

DSAT Curriculum Modules
1 Advocating for Yourself and Others 5 Interpreting Services Using Video Technology
2 Self Esteem and Self-Determination 6 Preparing for Self-Advocacy
3 Working with Interpreters 7 Utilizing Resources for Action
4 Ethics of Working with Interpreters

Each instructional module includes an overview and purpose of the module including goals and objectives, a description of the subject matter, an instructional plan, anticipated length of time to teach the module, optimum teaching environment and suggested materials. Each module also includes DVD vignettes of “good” and “not so good” advocacy, role-play scenarios and interactive advocacy activities, and student worksheets. As an example, please view the video here titled “A Prepared Interpreter.” It demonstrates what consumers learn in the training about how briefing an interpreter prior to the assignment can make the interpreted interaction more successful.                                                                                                

Enhancing the DSAT Experience for DeafBlind Trainers and Consumers Supplement

In 2013, the NCIEC Workteam adapted the DSAT curriculum for DeafBlind audiences. Entitled Enhancing the DSAT Experience for DeafBlind Trainers and Consumers Supplement, the Supplement provides DeafBlind Self-Advocacy (DBSAT) trainers and DeafBlind participants with greater access to the Deaf Self-Advocacy Training (DSAT) Curriculum Toolkit, Second Edition (2012). It offers suggested training approaches for DeafBlind audiences, summaries of the numerous video vignettes used throughout the curriculum, tips for training, and additional resources. Located on its own disk in the Deaf Self-Advocacy Training (DSAT) Curriculum Toolkit, the materials are available in large print and electronic Braille. Hard copy Braille is available upon request at

The development of the DSAT curriculum was conducted with an eye to detail and a commitment that the curriculum would be based in best practices and responsive to deaf consumers and counselors in vocational and community advocacy settings. It underwent extensive field testing using only the highest effective practices protocols.

IMPORTANT! As always please note that this curriculum is designed as a Deaf and DeafBlind peer training, whereby only Deaf, hard of hearing and DeafBlind trainers and Deaf, hard of hearing and DeafBlind consumers participate. Please promote this philosophy.

Contents of the Deaf Self-Advocacy Training: Curriculum Toolkit, Second Edition

◼      DSAT Training
    ● Trainer Manual
    ● Student Manual
    ● PowerPoint presentation with accompanying video vignettes embedded
    ● Games and activities, along with instructions for their use and intended audiences
    ● Three-ring binder cover page and spine
    ● DSAT promotional flier samples
    ● Attendance sign-in sheets
    ● Instructions for Requesting DSAT Training Materials
    ● Posters ready for printing
    ● Certificate of Attendance for participants
    ● Name tent
    ● Evaluation Form

◼      DBSAT Training
    ● Overview
    ● Suggested Adaptations
    ● Video Vignette Summaries
    ● Trainer and Student Manuals in Large Print and Electronic Braille
    ● PowerPoint presentation

These documents are available in the following alternative formats:
    ● Word 18 point bold with no color enhancements
    ● Electronic Braille

◼      Train the Trainer
    ● Curriculum
    ● Agenda
    ● Fliers
    ● Certificates

◼      Accompanying Video Materials
    ● Vignetes of Deaf individuals in advocacy situations
    ● ASL Glossary