After September 30, 2016, the National Interpreter Education Center (NIEC) will no longer support this website as our federal funding has ended. This site will remain open but we will not be able to respond to inquiries.


About usHistoryCentersInitiativesRSA

The National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers aims to expand and enhance the effectiveness of the interpreting workforce through education and professional development services and resources offered regionally and nationally. Five Regional Interpreter Education Centers offer training and technical assistance to regional stakeholders including curricular resources for interpreting education programs, educational opportunities for interpreters at all levels of experience, consumer self-advocacy training, and new interpreter recruitment. The National Interpreter Education Center serves to coordinate cross-center collaborative activities, dissemination, communication, and knowledge transfer; evaluates the effectiveness of Centers’ educational offerings; and provides educational opportunities, resources, and technical assistance to enhance teaching practices across the U.S.

Our Mission

The mission of the National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers is to connect and collaborate with diverse stakeholders to create excellence in interpreting.