Vocational Rehabilitation Internship
Welcome to the NIEC Vocational Rehabilitation Engagement Manual!
This concise guide provides a thorough discussion of the unique aspects of the practicum experience in Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) settings. Commissioned by the National Interpreter Education Center, Rubin Latz, CSC (retired) and State Coordinator for Services to Persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (MN) (retired), prepared the guide. As a former interpreter, interpreter educator and Vocational Rehabilitation professional, he brings a unique perspective to this work.
In addition to the preparation of this implementation guide, Mr. Latz provided consultation to three interpreter education programs, Hinds Community College, San Antonio College, and the University of Cincinnati and the respective state VR agencies of Mississippi, Texas and Ohio to initiate pilot practicum efforts to field-test the principles contained in this document.
Interpreter education programs will find this guide helpful in navigating the potentially complex relationship among institution of higher education, state VR agency, and the needs of students and consumers who may be Deaf, hard-of-hearing, or DeafBlind.